Hi! I am Claudia
My journey started 22 years ago as a school teacher and additionally a school counsellor, mentoring school children as well as adults. Having pursued a degree that included psychology, I discovered that I am passionate about helping people master and leverage the power of their own minds. Over the course of my career, I evolved to helping individuals to empower and take care of themselves by nourishing their wellbeing.
My passion grew, and I decided to complete a master life coaching certification.
As a master and holistic wellness coach, I use these aspects of the mastery as part of the holistic healing journey:
Dream analysis
Limiting beliefs
Finding one’s purpose
Enneagram - personality types
Relationship and family dynamics
How to tap into one’s intuition and awareness
Holistic Wellness and Nutrition Coach
After counselling numerous people over many years, I have realised that there is a necessity for considering overall wellness and nutritional needs. I then extended my learnings and completed a nutritionist qualification.
You have it within you to take on the challenge of building yourself up and changing your story. I will open your eyes and mind to practical, empowering solutions for releasing what no longer serves you and moving forward.
Healing from the inside - out
I have been on my own rollercoaster of weight and emotional fluctuations for years, along with self-doubt, a lack of self-confidence and self-worth, and giving my power away as a result. It was only when I started my journey towards healing that I learned to understand and accept the truth of who I am.
I cannot equate my value to my mistrusting experiences, the misgivings of other people and the number on the scale. My new story is one of self-belief, self-acceptance and self-love. I have learnt to trust in myself again, and most importantly, I have awakened to my inner power.
I believe we are all more powerful and resourceful than we think we are. I am now comfortable in my own skin through a journey of healing from the inside out.
I have learnt that the most important relationship you have is your relationship with yourself.
Let’s work together to help you connect with your emotions and your own truth so that you can make positive changes from the inside out. With my holistic wellness coaching services we will explore and identify aspects that may be impacting your wellbeing, from relationships, your environment, sleep hygiene, stress and time management, your career, lifestyle or any other factors that may be preventing you from balancing wholeness.
The discovery process will bring results and practical outcomes for you to implement intuitive eating, make conscious choices around your nourishment, including your sleep hygiene, increase your energy levels, uplift your mood, and, most importantly, harness your inner power.