The Emotional Wellbeing Connection
Our emotions can influence the way we care for ourselves, our career choices, relationships, our lifestyle and even our food choices. The biochemical and electrical reactions have the ability to alter our physiology because of our emotions. When our emotions are not being expressed for fear of rejection, embarrassment, shame, judgement or not having the know-how on how to speak up for ourselves, a multitude of feelings of sadness, rage, grief or anger are then trapped within the body. Suppressing these type of emotions over time leads to negative beliefs of the self, affecting our self-worth and our self-confidence, without us realising it, which could then also result in some form of illness, body ache or body pain. The subconscious mind keeps track of all our experiences and therefore it’s possible that our body will create an illness as it believes its own reality has been created by the subconscious mind.
Making the time to connect with our emotions will empower us to pave the way forward to change how we respond to challenging situations and how we handle relationships. It is essential that we approach our healing with kindness, patience and be gentle with who we are, implement boundaries and give our emotions a voice. Personal power is the courage to look within, seek guidance on how to navigate through our emotions that have kept us trapped from living the life we deserve.
Claudia from Nourish Ways is a holistic wellness coach. The holistic wellness coaching services include individual coaching, corporate coaching and workshops.
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